100wreckordz, LLC 2016 Releases and Release date Chart

100wreckordz, LLC has lots of new music and Artist coming out. Here is a list of what we know is on the way for sure. We are still missing many dates that haven’t been released.

100WRECKORDZ, LLC 2016 RELEASE DATES#blogs, #Marketing, #comment, #marketingdigital, #Independent, #itunes, #placement, #business, #major, #label, #rap, #hiphop, #randb, #genre, #musicians, #musician, #promo, share, #digital, #etc, #click, #link, #pandora, #opportunity, #music, #Promotion, #entertainment, #Google, #viral, #digitaldistribution, #market, #networkmarketing, #applemusic, #spotify, #takeadvantage, #100wreckordz, #networking, #promote, #distribution, #free, #amazon, #artist, #distributor, #releases #2016
There were also a couple releases that dropped in January from L.T. called (Hallejuah) & (For My Haters). Not to mention all of the previous music still in the inventory. Make sure you stay updated and prepare to fill your playlist.

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